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Setúbal City Council

Setúbal Preserves Grito do Povo and Pescadores neighborhoods: Minimizing social vulnerabilities while preserving identity and memories

Outside the city center and marked by unemployment and social exclusion, the districts of Grito do Povo (People’s Cry) and Pescadores (Fishermen) are home to around 580 families, mainly linked to fishing and the canning industry.

In order to minimize social vulnerabilities in these historic neighborhoods in the area of ​​the Anunciada, Setúbal Preserves has been initiated, a project that brings together a set of intervention strategies capable of enhancing the appropriation of public spaces by residents and the consequent construction of the neighborhoods' intergenerational identity and the preservation of its memories.

The creation of urban art routes are an example of valuing the place and its people, where history and culture go hand in hand. This and other interventions are just the beginning of a process of transforming neighborhoods and the quality of life of its residents - a first step in building spaces for the future.

Évora City Council

POCITYF - Positive Energy Blocks. Building a self-sustaining and environmentally friendly city.

Figueira da Foz City Council

Museological Center of Salt. Enhancing the “Salina do Corredor da Cobra” as a natural and cultural heritage.

Loulé City Council

Algarvensis Loulé-Silves-Albufeira Geopark. Protecting and valuing a 350 million year old history.

Mértola City Council

Agroecological transition. Tackling climate change using syntropic agriculture.


Alqueva. Boosting the adaptation of the Montados cultural landscape to climate change.