× Sustentar Framework Projects Open Call Bienal'19 Diary About CI.CLO Partners Press News Take Part Press Team Contacts


Maria Oliveira


The six projects are being implemented by the Évora City Council (POCITYF), by the Figueira da Foz City Council (Museological Center of Salt), by the Loulé City Council (Algarvensis Loulé-Silves-Albufeira Geopark), by the Mértola City Council (Agroecological transition), by the Setúbal City Council (Setúbal Preserves Grito do Povo and Pescadores neighborhoods) and by EDIA (LIFE Montado Adapt). The work to be developed is intended to promote and highlight good practices and relevant trends in the context of ecological, social and economic sustainability, to encourage a more active, resilient and responsible citizenship in the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage.

Évora City Council

POCITYF - Positive Energy Blocks. Building a self-sustaining and environmentally friendly city.

Figueira da Foz City Council

Museological Center of Salt. Enhancing the “Salina do Corredor da Cobra” as a natural and cultural heritage.

Loulé City Council

Algarvensis Loulé-Silves-Albufeira Geopark. Protecting and valuing a 350 million year old history.

Mértola City Council

Agroecological transition. Tackling climate change using syntropic agriculture.

Setúbal City Council

Setúbal Preserves Grito do Povo and Pescadores neighborhoods. Minimizing social vulnerabilities while preserving identity and memories.


Alqueva. Boosting the adaptation of the Montados cultural landscape to climate change.