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Mértola City Council

Agroecological transition: Tackling climate change using syntropic agriculture

In Mértola, climate change is a close reality: the municipality has been struggling with extreme drought for three years. The adaptation to this scenario of severe water scarcity is based on tests for an agroecological transition, through the planning and implementation of a Demonstrative and Experimental Park in the Perimeter Forest of Mértola.

In this context, the implementation of syntropic agriculture techniques stands out. It is based on the creation of a stratified system in which the forest mixes with agriculture and the soil protected by the shade of the larger trees allows the growth of the various species. This technique enhances the regeneration of soils, which become more humid, and promotes the absorption of water from the atmosphere.

The implementation of a Local Food Network is underway simultaneously, which aims at a more sustainable food future based on the consumption of local products. There is already a network of local horticultural and fruit producers based on agro-ecological practices.

In terms of raising awareness and involving the community, pedagogical and practical actions have been developed, including the elementary school, with the creation of five syntropic gardens.

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