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Figueira da Foz City Council

Museological Center of Salt: Enhancing the “Salina do Corredor da Cobra” as a natural and cultural heritage

Salt exploration has always played a decisive role in the local economy of Figueira da Foz - the oldest references to this activity, as well as to Morraceira Island, date back to 1166. Recognizing the natural and cultural potential of salt as a development lever of the territory, the municipality acquired the “Salina do Corredor da Cobra”, in order to promote the reactivation and continuous maintenance of saline activity.

The Museological Center of Salt was established in 2007, as an information, education and awareness center to preserve a traditional activity and a natural product. It focuses on the interpretation, valorisation and dissemination of unique testimonies related to the county's salt flats.

This cultural and environmental complex includes a Salt Warehouse, a Pedestrian Route through the salt, a River Route through the Mondego River estuary and a bird observatory, asserting itself as a privileged place to enjoy a great fauna and landscape richness.

Évora City Council

POCITYF - Positive Energy Blocks. Building a self-sustaining and environmentally friendly city.

Loulé City Council

Algarvensis Loulé-Silves-Albufeira Geopark. Protecting and valuing a 350 million year old history.

Mértola City Council

Agroecological transition. Tackling climate change using syntropic agriculture.

Setúbal City Council

Setúbal Preserves Grito do Povo and Pescadores neighborhoods. Minimizing social vulnerabilities while preserving identity and memories.


Alqueva. Boosting the adaptation of the Montados cultural landscape to climate change.