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Virgílio Ferreira Presents An Exhibition In Coimbra

Ferreira’s multimedia site-specific installation MEMORIAL DE UMA INSCRIÇÃO opposition to the dictatorship of Estado Novo. The exhibition, which inaugurates the new gallery of Convento de São Francisco, focuses on places that escaped the historical inscription of struggle against the regime. Territories such as the student's republics and cafés including "A Brasileira" or "Tropical", appeal to an underground memory and more intimate and covert narratives. In Memorial de uma Inscrição Ferreira appropriates these places, adding to the memorial speech other layers that incites us to question our time. The project was commissioned by the Convento de São Francisco and Coimbra Council, in connection with the commemoration of 50 years of student struggles, and was produced by Ci.CLO and Convento de São Francisco.
