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Sérgio Leitão

Sérgio Leitão Receives A Shuttle Grant To Exhibit In Venice

Sérgio Leitão, artist who makes part of Ci.CLO Bienal’19 program, will exhibit work in the International Exhibition of Contemporary Art "Personal Structures".

Sérgio Leitão has been invited by Dutch Foundations GAA (Leiden) and ECC (Amsterdam) to exhibit in an International Exhibition of Contemporary Art titled "Personal Structures" at Palazzo Bembo in Venice. Supported by a Shuttle program grant, whose main objective is to promote Oporto artists, authors and cultural agents abroad, Leitão has developed "Gli Oratori_The Speakers", a site-specific multimedia installation that takes as a starting point the work of Baldassare Castiglione "The Book of Courtesy" (Venice, 1528).

Sérgio Leitão is a participating artist in the Ci.CLO Bienal’19 program. The artist will exhibit A VIE AU GRAND AIR II, an intervention created specifically for Jardins do Palácio de Cristal. This project addresses the biennial theme ADAPTATION AND TRANSITION as it offers a reflection on the impact of progressive environmental, identity and technical changes. Ci.CLO Bienal Fotografia do Porto Runs from May 16 to July 2 with 45 artists exhibiting in 15 venues located in the Porto city center.
