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OPEN CALL - 6 grants

Ci.CLO, in partnership with Évora City Council, Figueira da Foz City Council, Loulé City Council, Mértola City Council, Setúbal City Council and EDIA, has launched an Open Call for Sustentar, 6 grants for the development of new visual arts projects.

National and foreign artists living in Portugal who use photography and video as means of expression are invited to apply to the Open Call. The program includes the development and production of art works at selected municipalities in Portugal. The work produced will be included in a travelling exhibition within Portugal and will also be exhibited in the Bienal'21 Fotografia do Porto and in selected partners’ exhibition spaces.

Sustentar aims to support the production of a series of projects that focus on experimental initiatives currently being implemented in Portugal that respond to the ecological and social challenges we now face.

Sustentar is intended to promote and highlight good practices and relevant trends in the context of ecological, social and economic sustainability, to encourage a more active, resilient and responsible citizenship in the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage.