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OPEN CALL : Adaptation and Transition

Application deadline: 06.01.2019

The 2019 Ci.CLO Bienal Fotografia do Porto in partnership with the Mira Forum and with the support of the Goethe Institute of Porto, will award two Bolsas de Criação (Artist Creativity Grants) to support the development of new work to be exhibited in the Bienal programme.

The 2019 Open Call is applicable to artists who are nationals or non-Portuguese residents in Portugal, their primary media is photography and/or video and their proposal responds to the theme of the 2019 Bienal, Adaptation and Transition.


Deadline for submission of proposals: 06.01.2019

Application Outcome: 14.01.2019

Project development period: 21 January to 19 April 19 2019

Exhibition: 16 May to 3 July 2019

Download notice in PDF.

Open call_CiCLOBienal_Regulamento