× Sustentar Framework Projects Open Call Bienal'19 Diary About CI.CLO Partners Press News Take Part Press Team Contacts


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Alberto Giuliani, "Surviving Humanity", 2016


Although we are already working on the Bienal'21 Fotografia do Porto programme, we feel the need to revisit the theme of the Bienal'19: ‘Adaptation and Transition’.

When we chose the title for the first edition of the Bienal, we knew that it was urgent to reflect on those two words of action. However, we couldn’t anticipate how much!

We are currently experiencing a new reality of urgency at a global level: millions of lives are suspended and many others are at risk; from one day to the next, we observe great individual and collective changes. More than ever, it is imperative to (re)think transition processes and develop other ways of being and acting.

In response to this situation we invite artists and the general community to share, through photographs or video, their interpretation of the challenges and changes that face us now.

This is an exercise on what this moment of ’Adaptation’ and ’Transition’ can represent for a ‘new’ Ci.CLO in the history of humanity — a time of great challenges, of survival, but also of great opportunities for social and ecological regeneration.

Please share your visual thoughts with us by posting an image (or several) on your Instagram profile, accompanied by a title and / or a short description, using the hashtag #newciclo2020. If your profile is private, send us your material by private message via Instagram (@ci.cloplataforma).

This challenge will last for a quarantine period of 40 days, during which Ci.CLO will share some of the images submitted on Instagram ‘stories’. Ci.CLO plans to include a selection of images, duly identified, to be exhibited in a public intervention space as part of Bienal'21. The selected images for this intervention will be announced until the end of September.