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Photo: Kevin-McElvaney for Triennale der Photographie Hamburg .gif

ESCAPE | Amsterdam Workshop

The [ESCAPE] exhibition and educational programme aims to call attention to the need for urgent political, economic and social transformation regarding urban sustainability. Protecting the environment and changing cultural behaviours requires creativity and positive minded people. We believe that cities and citizens can help to provide the solutions to the challenges we are facing towards a more sustainable future. The programme brings together a creative and multi-disciplinary team of artists and curators to develop experimental and holistic projects; connecting the artistic with the politics of art, belief with activism, heart with mind.

Photo: Kevin-McElvaney for Triennial der Photographie Hamburg
Photo: Kevin-McElvaney for Triennial der Photographie Hamburg.gif

- “I was privileged to participate in [ESCAPE]: unflinching and strategic, the Amsterdam workshop put the urgency of the global ecological debate on the table and our responsibility as artists to take proactive creative action.” Jayne Dyer

- “ESCAPE: an intense experience of sharing knowledge, doubts, questions, fragilities and virtues, the baseline for establishing a common ground for inspiring positive change.” Cláudio Reis

- “Taking part in the first Workshop of ESCAPE in Amsterdam meant to enter a beautiful space: to discuss, to share concerns and passions, questions and ideas and to connect. Spaces, think tanks and exchange like this are needed for different reasons but also last but not least to nourish the artists who often produce under difficult economical circumstances to support each other ideologically.” Constanze Flamme