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Jayne Dyer


Jayne Dyer


Uncertainty, collapse and end-points are part of our everyday explanations of current ecological conditions.

This savage garden
offers an alternative discursive framework, a language of speculation as a strategy to critique the past and to future-vision our times; in particular to recognize the insinuating nature of propaganda and how it affects decision making in relation to global warming and ecosystem survival.

The work, designed as a secular pilgrimage to five sites in the Jardim, proffers spaces to contemplate our ability to adapt our behavior towards a sustainable future. Specific titles offer clues to content: the weight of distraction, the weight of survival, the weight of noise, the weight of disappearance, the weight of reflection.

In a world driven by an insatiable appetite for spectacle, This savage garden is intentionally quiet, evasive, interventionist. Each site mediates with the horticultural and social history of the Jardim.
