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Cláudio Reis


Cláudio Reis

An immense journey toward an unknown place, through which ‘adaptation and transition’

embodies the human desire of a spiritual return to nature. Stumbling down the rabbit hole,

getting lost above the clouds, facing in silence a wall of dark sand, the simulacrum of nature

nurtures an emotional resonance toward environmental unbalance by bringing to the

forefront a lost sense of wonder and myth. One is alone facing these images. Each instance

is conceived as a portal to a specific interplay of matter and light, centered as much on the

curiosity of the gaze looking in as in the suggestion of being enveloped by something that

lies beyond the visible. Under the surface these portals contain an intrinsic strangeness, part

memory, part dream. To go through the looking glass entails a challenge for contemporary

society: the need to cultivate empathy - and, by extent, civility - toward what precedes us.
