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João Gigante


João Gigante

This work, in an evident journey between undecipherable times, creates a relationship in what may be a reaction to the way we imagine our "transition" in the world we live in. To speculate a sense of evolution and constant lack of care for the simple things that surround us. It is an animal, a species, a game between sea and land, a play on times and memories.

In the images, a hole in the ground is like a tunnel to an aesthetic perspective, the discovery of new things, new forms. A hook appears in the documented space, the detail that builds the whole. From sea to land, on an exhibition structure that further accentuates this idea of travel, a fragile transport/transition. Archeo establishes here a formal connection with the action of the artist as an archaeologist, perhaps by the form or need to describe in different layers the relationship with the space in which we live, with the transposition of a narrative to another dimension: the archaeology of the metaphor.

The creation of images, from the photograph to the drawings made/collected, raises a set of perceptions about a constructed narrative that reflects a collective need to understand what we "step on", what we live and experience.

A journey between possible new narratives that describe this adaptation, in a world that transits between failures and needs. A place that is on hold.
